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oso 0.3.0

Major news

Java support

Java packages for version >= 10 (Linux and macOS) are now published in our Maven Repository.

Breaking changes


This release contains breaking changes. Be sure to follow migration steps before upgrading.

oso.query_predicate() renamed in Oso libraries

To improve our API & better match documentation, oso.query_predicate() has been renamed oso.query_rule(). The Python API now returns a generator instead of a QueryResult object to improve consistency across libraries.

allow() method renamed in Oso libraries

To eliminate ambiguity, the allow() method of the Oso library has been renamed to:

  • is_allowed() in Python
  • #allowed? in Ruby
  • isAllowed() in Java

You can now use the print predicate in a policy to print the values passed in to stderr. print accepts any number of arguments, and will return the values of variables.

isa operator replaced with matches

To improve readability of Polar policies, the isa operator has been replaced with matches. Any policies using the isa operator will need to be migrated.

cut() predicate replaced with cut keyword

The Polar cut operator was previously parsed like a predicate, but it isn’t one. The new syntax (cut, without the empty parentheses) emphasizes its role as an operator.

New features

Basic Arithmetic

You can now evaluate basic arithmetic in your policies:

$ python -m oso
> x = 1 + 1
{'x': 2}

See Numbers for more.


The Polar debugger will now display the host language representation of class instances.

debug> bindings
_expense_1 = Expense(amount=500, description=coffee, submitted_by=alice@example.com)

Error Traces

Some runtime errors will now return a trace of the policy location where it happened. For example:

irb(main):020:0> OSO.allowed?(actor: alice, action: "GET", resource: expense)
Oso::Polar::PolarRuntimeError: trace (most recent evaluation last):
      allow("alice@example.com", "GET", Expense(amount=500, description=coffee, submitted_by=alice@example.com))
  in rule allow at line 2, column 2 in file expenses.polar
    .(_expense_4, missing_attribute(), _value_1_5) and _value_1_5
  in rule allow at line 2, column 2 in file expenses.polar
    .(_expense_4, missing_attribute(), _value_1_5) and _value_1_5
  in rule allow at line 2, column 2 in file expenses.polar
    .(_expense_4, missing_attribute(), _value_1_5)
Application error: Oso::Polar::InvalidCallError at line 2, column 2 in file expenses.polar
    from /home/sam/.rbenv/versions/2.4.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/oso-oso-0.3.0/lib/oso/polar/ffi/query.rb:57:in `next_event'
    from /home/sam/.rbenv/versions/2.4.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/oso-oso-0.3.0/lib/oso/polar/query.rb:116:in `block (2 levels) in start'
    from /home/sam/.rbenv/versions/2.4.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/oso-oso-0.3.0/lib/oso/polar/query.rb:115:in `loop'
    from /home/sam/.rbenv/versions/2.4.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/oso-oso-0.3.0/lib/oso/polar/query.rb:115:in `block in start'
    from irb:1:in `each'
    from irb:1:in `each'
    from irb:1:in `each'

Other bugs & improvements

  • Boolean values can now be queried directly. The statement x = true and x now tests for the truthiness of x as the second argument of the conjunction. Previously this would be invalid.
  • Fixes for comparing numbers.
  • Comparing a variable to itself no longer loops infinitely.
  • Allow unbound variables to be returned from queries.
  • Additional warnings for singletons.

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